Atelier Harmonie Kvetin

Floral design and decoration.
Call for pricing

Floral design, designer activity, wedding florist specialist, hotel and business services, custom ordering...

Products: Flowers, bouquets, wedding accessories, announcements, name cards, boxes, etc..

- Decoration with cut, potted, dry and artificial flowers
- Treating flowers in interiors
- Flower service for your wedding day.... according to your wishes flowers for bride, groom, witness, mums, bridesmaids and wedding guests
- Decoration of cars, church, ceremonial hall and space for a wedding lunch...
- Interior decoration of companies, shops, restaurants, churches, hotels for various occasions (celebrations, presentations, balls, concerts, etc.)
- Bouquets for events (balls, graduations, theater premieres, etc.)

For rent: candleholder, vases, potted flowers, etc..
