Crazy Cakes

Custom production of wedding, birthday and corporate cakes, sweet bars, macaroons.

Why this cake shop?
Production of original and non-traditional cakes. Each cake is original. 

Language skills
This vendor can't speak English. We recommend only for Czech speaking clients.

Additional information regarding prices and availability
We recommend to order the wedding cakes half a year in advance. For an additional fee it can be delivered to your wedding venue.
The final price depends on the size and type of the cake. Issue counter: Prague Zbraslav or Cerejov (10 km from Ceske Budejovice).


phone: +420 732 499 316

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Crazy Cakes - Wedding cake
approx. 50 pieces. Price: approx. 10.000 - 13.000 CZK.
13000 Kč incl tax
Crazy Cakes - Birthday cake with figure
approx. 10 pieces. Price: 2.500 - 2.800 CZK.
2800 Kč incl tax
Crazy Cakes - Macaroon
Price per piece.
23 Kč incl tax
Crazy Cakes - Cupcakes
Price: 60 - 100 CZK per piece.
100 Kč incl tax