PROFIMOVIE - Marek Sodoma Video

Video, photo, graphics - Professional Cinematography.

Using professional equipment (steadycam, slider, camera crane).

Additional information regarding prices and availability
Every hour above option is charge 1.500 CZK.
Travelling around Prague is free but for longer distances there will be a charge of 6 CZK per kilometer.
If the customer does not agree to publish a video clip on our site- price: 5.000CZK.


phone: +420 777 663 482

For more information click here:



Visit Vimeo to see more wedding videos. 

PROFIMOVIE - Marek Sodoma - per hours
PRICE PER HOUR, 2 cameras, modern professional techniques, edited movie approximately 10-30 minutes, wedding video, NOT AVAILABLE ON SATURDAYS
2200 Kč incl tax
PROFIMOVIE - Marek Sodoma - up to 10 hours
10 hours, 2 cameras, 1 cameraman + assistent, full HD video, modern professional techniques, edited movie 30 min, wedding video
20000 Kč incl tax
PROFIMOVIE - Marek Sodoma - 10 hours
10 hours, 4 cameras, 2 cameramen + assistant, full HD video, modern professional techniques, aerial shots using the drone, edited movie 60 min, wedding video
31000 Kč incl tax