S Citroen 19 DS - 1955

Vintage car by Oldtimer Sebek.
6050 Kč incl tax

Ideally 2 passengers in the back one in the front.

Language skills
Fluent English

Additional information regarding prices and availability
Minimum rental period - 3 hours in Prague. Extra hour 1.700 CZK + VAT. Extra kilometre 35CZK. 
Vintage cars are not used daily, car must be prepared to drive, cleaned thoroughly, and owners simply resist renting it for less money. Of course you can rent if for 2 hours only but 3 hours will be charged.
This car is not available in winter to protect it from weather conditions & now law requires winter tyres which do not even exist for this car.

Enquire for Out of Prague Rentals.


Vintage car by Oldtimer Sebek.

phone: +420 721 600 060
website: http://www.oldtimersebek.cz/cs/